процессор : i7-451Ou, ОЗУ: 6гб, видео: Intel HD Graphics 4400+ nvidia 840m 2гб разрешение экрана: 1600 х 900 windows7 SP1, Adobe Premiere Pro CC2015, Photoshop CC portable
25.10.2016, 22:24
Вот сделала первый акт "Бабьего бунта" и НЕ без вашей помощи) Ошибки исправить не смогла-т.к. пропали все начальные файлы проэкта при смене ОПЕРАТИВКИ, надеюсь исправиться во 2 акте.
и ещё одна работа...правда не завершенная...не нравится озвучка-вот и застопорилось, но переболею и продолжу. Правда без вашей помощи это будет невозможно - я многого не умею...
Последний раз редактировалось shapoval; 26.10.2016 в 09:36.
Эти 9 пользователей(ля) поблагодарили Милли за это полезное сообщение:
Intel Core i7-3770 3.4GHz/8MB, Asus P8Z77-V LK, RAM 32 (Kingston HyperX Beast DDR3 2400 MHz (Kit of 4x8192)), Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1060 Windforce 6GB, SSD 2.5" 512GB Pioneer, + WD 2 x 1 TB, Philips 3D Max 40" Windows 7 Ultimate (х64) SP2, Pinnacle Studio 15, iClone v6.52 PRO, DAZ Studio 4.8, Autodesk 3ds Max 2010 64-bit
Фото: Canon EOS 500D EF-S 18-55 IS + Canon Speedlite 430EX II
IC v6.52.3420.1, 3DX v6.52.2220.1 -
29.10.2016, 16:51
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New function added: RLMotion export for CrazyTalk Animator 3.
Several enhancements and bugs fixed. Читать дальше...
1) iClone
Added: RLMotion export is now available for [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]. Saved from Timeline > Collect Clip > Right-click to Add Motion to Library, and select .rlMotion in the drop-down menu.
Enhanced: Enhanced DRM verification mechanism which improves the verification speed while less error prone.
- FBX can now be exported in 3DXchange when offline after completing the 1-Click Content Verification process
- Send batch information to server and verify all at once
- Extend recheck time upon server connection failure
- Report how many scanned, how many updated, and how many failed
Enhanced: Image sequence naming convention has changed to a more standardized form: Name_00001 (name, underscore, number).
Enhanced: Speed up saving any project or custom data by enabling the Quick Thumbnail Generation function in Preference settings.
Fixed: iClone crashes when loading [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ].
Fixed: iClone crashes when loading certain projects containing [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ].
Fixed: iClone crashes when using particular characters such as [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ], [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ], etc.
Fixed: iClone crashes after performing the following:
1) Apply iCloth to a softcloth enabled CC character.
2) Select Replace Material Only during prompt.
3) Press the Play button.
Fixed: A snapshot of the timeline status and condition is not saved along with the iProject.
Fixed: Transition curve settings consistently revert back to linear interpolation after its transfrom key-frames have been altered.
Fixed: Particle emitters with readjusted initial frame have discrepancies with its Modify > Emit > On/Off status.
Fxied: CC Characters do not interact with iClone 5 embedded iProp content (Outdoor/ Bike, Horizontal Bar, Merry-Go-Round, Seesaw, Swing Bench, Unicycle, etc.). Users now can get the fixed iProps by downloading the Bonus pack found in the Order History after logging in the member page.
Fixed: Replacing CC character with Look at Camera constraint will destroy said constraint. [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Fixed: Dragging a character onto a certain modified heightmap terrain brings about errant vertices. [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Fxied: Appling iSkin onto a G5 character does not replace the material for the entire body, just the hands.
Fixed: Using "Add to Perform" on a Prop with 48 or more Perform animations causes the Perform list to disappear.
Fixed: Videos exported from an iProject with HDR / Tone Mapping will be afflicted with screen flickering.
Fixed: Left and right side views of the Content Manager and Media Template Library do not match with corresponding number of folders ( e.g. the Video folder disappearing from the right side.) [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
2) 3DXchange (v6.52.2220.1)
Added: Import the new .RLMotion format from iClone 6.52.
Added: New auto-convert profile for Mixamo default beta character along with additional t-pose for fixing problems with the posture when auto-convert fails. [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ] | [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Changed: Due to the adjustments to One Click Activation inside iClone 6.52, 3DXchange will no longer maintain its own version of this feature.
Enhanced: FBX can now be exported when offline after completing the 1-Click Content Verification process in iClone.
Fixed: 3DXchange crashes when importing SKP files made by Sketchup Make 2016. [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Fixed: Material names with blank spaces go missing when read into Maya via the OBJ format. Blank spaces in the naming structure are now replaced with underscores.
Fixed: CC's full Body export via OBJ to 3DXchange fail to link to the teeth textures.
Fixed: Loading an image into the Diffuse channel, on certain FBX files, has no effect on the viewport. [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Fixed: Failure to load characters with HDRI textures.
Fixed: The second animation take of a CC character exported to Maya or 3ds Max via 3DXchange has root sliding issues.
FBX body and cloth mesh data vanishes on certain CC characters after doing the following:
1) Exporting the character from CC in FBX format
2) Load the said character back into CC
3) Output the character in iAvatar format
4) Load the iAvatar into 3DXchange
5) Output an FBX from 3DXchange
Много исправлений, поэтому обновляемся.
Эти 10 пользователей(ля) поблагодарили shapoval за это полезное сообщение:
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