HeliconFocus Pro 4.03.1
9 mb
Прекрасное средство для фокусировки нечеткого, размытого изображения
- automatically adjusts and resizes images (important for stereomicroscopes and macrophotography);
- processes an unlimited number of images in the stack;
- has no limitation on image resolutions (you need at least 512M RAM to work with 8Mp+ images);
- supports "dust map" to automatically remove black points from the resulting images;
- automatically adjusts brightness of the adjacent images;
- reads RAW, 8bit and 16bit TIFFs, JPEG, JPEG 2000, BMP, etc;
- writes 8bit and 16bit TIFFs, JPEG, JPEG 2000, BMP.
- add text and scale bar (v.4.0+)
- includes unique retouching functions, which cannot be performed with external photo editor (v.4.0+)
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