DualCore E2160/RAM 2×1.0GB/Asus P5B/ATI Radeon X1650 XT 256MB/HDDWD 80GB IDE/2хHDD Samsung 250Gb SATA2/LG L1932TQ/SONY TRV310E Windows XP SP2,Pinnacle Studio 15.0 Ultimate, Avid_Liquid_7.2_Full
25.04.2007, 00:16
Практически никаких отличий от Десятки. Разве что косметические изменения в интерфейсе и... добавлена кнопка, изменяющая размер превью монитора. И все.
Добавлено через 11 минут Об Studio Ultimate 11 читаем [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Выпущено будет 3 версии - Basic, Plus, and Ultimate .
Цена Basic - 49$ , Plus - 99 ( в ней доступна работа в HD), Ultimate - 129$ с открытым
хромокеем, фильмовыми эффектами, изменениями цвета, функциями зума и разными звуковыми примочками
инфо на английском [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Осталось немного подождать....
Добавлено через 8 минут Информация на оффсайте [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Вам замечание за дублирование темы и неправильно выбранную тему (в ФАКе это не место)
Operating System
· Windows XP with SP2 or Vista (32 bit Vista recommended)
· Intel Pentium or AMD Athlon 1.8 GHz or higher (2.4 GHz recommended) –Windows XP
· Intel Pentium HT or AMD Athlon 2.4 GHz or 1.6 GHz Dual core –Windows Vista
· Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or higher required for AVCHD editing – Studio Plus and Studio Ultimate only
System RAM
· 512 MB RAM (1 GB Recommended) – Windows XP and SD editing
· 1 GB RAM required for HD and/or Windows Vista (2 GB Recommended)
· 1.5 GB RAM Required for AVCHD (2 GB required on Windows Vista)
Graphics card
· Direct X 9 or higher compatible graphics card with 64 MB (128 MB recommended)(128 MB is required for Studio Ultimate as it is required for Vitascene) – Windows XP
· 128 MB required on the graphics card for Windows Vista. (256 MB ATI Radeon 9600 or NVidia GeForce 6 or higher recommended) – Windows Vista
· 256 MB required for HD and AVCHD editing. (256 MB ATI Radeon 9600 or NVidia GeForce 6 or higher recommended)
Sound Card
· Direct X 9 or higher compatible sound card
Additional Requirements
· 1 GB of disc space to install software and 3+ GB to install bonus content
· DVD-ROM to install software
· CD burner for creating Video CDs or Super Video CDs
· DVD Burner for creating DVD and HD DVD discs
· Sound card with surround sound output required for preview of surround sound mixes *
* Requires free product activation via Internet at the first use.
Чем тупее угол зрения, тем шире кругозор.
Последний раз редактировалось Доктор ВОВАН; 29.05.2007 в 18:29.
Эти 14 пользователей(ля) поблагодарили bref за это полезное сообщение:
Pinnacle Studio Plus v11-MAGNiTUDE (1 DVD) NTSC или PAL?
+ + M A G N i T U D E + +
++S! ++b5! ++Ix
SUPPLIER...: Team MAGNITUDE 2007 DATE......: 12/05/2007
CRACKER....: Team MAGNITUDE 2007 SIZE......: 1 DVD
Pinnacle Studio Plus version 11 helps you harness the power of the
latest technologies - HD, Windows Vista, Web Publishing and more -
without compromising ease of use. Enjoy a full range of automated and
advanced features to meet all your video editing needs. [Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
1) unRAR and burn
2) check ".txt" from "MAGNiTUDE" dir
3) enjoy another fine MAGNiTUDE-release!
Magnitude, a measure of the brightness of a star - the Ancient Greek
astronomers divided the stars into six magnitudes. First-magnitude
stars were the brightest, and sixth-magnitude stars were the
faintest. This system has been kept in modern times, when the new era
of MAGNiTUDE has started.
Последний раз редактировалось Доктор ВОВАН; 14.06.2007 в 11:50.
Эти 10 пользователей(ля) поблагодарили bovame за это полезное сообщение:
DualCore E2160/RAM 2×1.0GB/Asus P5B/ATI Radeon X1650 XT 256MB/HDDWD 80GB IDE/2хHDD Samsung 250Gb SATA2/LG L1932TQ/SONY TRV310E Windows XP SP2,Pinnacle Studio 15.0 Ultimate, Avid_Liquid_7.2_Full
14.05.2007, 12:30
RegDelete for Studio 11
RegDelete is a utility that corrects problems that may occur when installing and uninstalling Studio applications.
Version 11.0 is compatible with the following Studio Products : Studio 11, Studio 10, Studio 9, Studio 8, Studio 7, Media Manager, Pinnacle Expression and Pinnacle Express
When you install and run any of Pinnacle''s Studio applications, data is stored in the system's Registry. If this data becomes corrupted, the application may not function correctly. To use RegDelete follow these steps:
Download RegDelete
Uninstall the Studio application. To do this, open the Windows Control Panel and open the Add/Remove Programs applet. Select the Studio product you want to remove, and click Add/Remove. Don''t forget to rebbot your system.
Run RegDelete by double clicking on the RegDelete icon. Select the appropriate Studio product from the list, then click Clean . The registry entries for that product will be removed. The tool also has a check box labeled Remove video capture driver entries . If you select this check box, registry entries for all your installed video capture devices will be removed, including devices from other manufacturers. If you want to use other devices, they will have to be reinstalled after this step.
Reinstall the Studio application.
After this is installed and you run the application for the first time, the registry entries will be set to their default values.
Please note: If you use this tool without reinstalling afterwards, your Studio application will not work. If you are experiencing a problem which you suspect is due to corrupt registry settings, you are advised to first just do an uninstall followed by a reinstall. If the problem still persists, you should try the steps outlined above. Checking the Remove video capture driver entries box is only recommended if you have had other video capture devices installed in your system which you have since removed. In certain situations, old video capture devices that have not been uninstalled correctly have been known to interfere with the Studio application.
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Чем тупее угол зрения, тем шире кругозор.
Последний раз редактировалось Доктор ВОВАН; 04.06.2007 в 04:04.
Эти 7 пользователей(ля) поблагодарили bref за это полезное сообщение:
P4 3.06D GF7600GS-512mb 2G_озу HDD200ATA+40IDE VistaRUSFinal+update Studio v11Ultimate
14.05.2007, 13:11
Думаю наш Доктор при желании и эту версию подлечит и даже больше!!!
Кстати на торентс.ру говорят что в весии репак работает pal!!!
и что делать? пробовать или нет? охота из-за одного попробовать, быстрее говорят11-ка!!!
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