Intel Core 6600, Asus P5LD2 Deluxe, (PC2-5300)667Mhz 1Gbx2,PCI-E Radeon X850XT 256Mb Win XP SP2
16.05.2013, 01:44
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Program Name: ProDRENALIN
Release Date: 2013
Interface Language: (русского нет)
Platform: Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista.
File Size: 60.5 Mb
[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]
Automatically remove fisheye distortion from video or still pics – Sometimes the fisheye effect is desired however sometimes you want a flat, normal looking image and correct perspective distortion too.
Rock-steady stabilization – proDAD’s video stabilizer, the gold standard in post-capture video stabilization is part of ProDRENALIN and it’s fully automatic!
Rolling-shutter correction – Improves the skew & jello that sometimes happens during fast action panning.
De-noising – ProDRENALIN effectively removes random image sensor noise from the video with 3 quality options. De-noising happens during export rendering.
Simple color correction, brightness & contrast adjustment tools make your videos more polished;
Rotate the video in case the camera was accidentally mounted upside-down;
Batch processing for convenient loading of multiple clips to be optimized
Among the first applications to support 4K and 2.7K video resolutions.
Side-by-side comparison shows the original and optimized video prior to rendering and exporting.
Fully compatible with all GoPro Hero cameras in all supported resolutions, with the ability to import other action camera profiles from proDAD’s Defishr application
ASUS TUF SABERTOOTH Z97 MARK 1, INTEL Core i7 4790K, RAM 32Gb, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 8192Mb, HDD=6.0Tb Windows 8.1 Pro x64, Studio v.15-Vegas9-Edius5-AdobeCS4 Premium
09.10.2018, 13:45
взято у "баксов" ProDRENALIN
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