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По умолчанию Патч 24.1 - 04.03.2021, 20:46

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Exporting 250 clips freezes export process
Different behavior from same UI, in Mask, Split Screen / Titler, and Library
Time Freeze applied to trimmed clip is corrupted when project is saved
Multi-Channel support, as PCM
Zoom the keyframe scaling to frame level, paste a keyframe, scaling reverts to full-view
Overlay photos, apply PiP-Scale, may not see underlying track - Intermittent
Audio waveform is flat near end of clip
Misleading keyframing command
No audio in imported 32-bit wav file
Color palette, Info window opens on wrong monitor
File->Open doesn't remember last used location
Request: Cleanup tool for PS24
Mask: default highlighted tool
Title: Order button tooltip update
Subtler green color needed for colored tab
Clip Corrections - save as shortcut - lost in new corrections
Mask: doesn't cover few pixels at bottom of screen
Color Grading: click Spacebar, opens dual mode
Export: When switch from preset to custom, resolution should match timeline setting
Add "Discard" button beside Mask, Invert-Done buttons
Mask: Erase, undo, erase again remembers last action and adds to it
Mask: multiple undo may cause crash; mask is shorter than clip beneath
Effect applied to a clip and switched off, will switch on again when clip is moved
Mask: frame is not exactly match between the preview and export
Titler: should be able to click on a ghost keyframe, and playhead should go there
Titler: Pivot point should stay connected to center of object
PS24 should pickup NewBlue if present with PS23
Effect editor: Can't change border color
Time Remapping keyframe button is greyed out, if using the Timeline scrubber
Corrections: Revert to Original - doesn't stick, must repeat every clip open
Title: box is out of place, in preview
Keyframe: inconsistency in visible indication of selected state
Cut clip, keyframes duplicated
Some shortcuts don't work if timeline is undocked.
Title: period, comma, and forward slash don't work when typing in preview
Title: Create rolling text with Legacy Motion, adjust font, a title from previous project is shown in preview
Title: click on offscreen rolling text, preview does not switch to show cursor position, until click Legacy
PS will always open MCC Lite, if it is present
Title: Show/Hide in Legacy layers
Drag assets from the library to other application cause crash
Mask: motion tracking tools are missing from Rectangle-Circle, above preview
FR localization, title text face
StopMotion captures low resolution (640x360) frames.
Titler: text field and preview window not synced, when using context menu Paste
PS crash when nested project, switch to Editor->Audio
XDCAM 4:2:2 file has CG preview problem
Time to remove ReadMe from PS installer.
Add 3D Pivot point "track layer" changes from Title, to other areas in PS
Title saved from PS23 with hidden layer, can't be unhidden in PS24
Color Grading: preview is sideways, with specific project
Requested: easy rotate from Source Corrections
Rotate - Custom goes to legacy corrections, displaying an Avid reference
Requested: Add "Create New Title" button, beneath Save and Load options, in Title editor
Importing TIF file fails to import correctly.
Multishape Crop does not work correctly (background always black)
Mask: cursor artifact after end of text
Missing media dialog is partially translated
Swivel, Tilt, Rotation value fields behave inconsistent with other Properties parameters
Stub's default active button should be Next
Files with .tiff won't import, but .tif is okay
Dazzle: audio buzz and pop during preview
Dazzle E60A device is named as Roxio, in PS import tab
In PS24.0.2, Dazzle device is not shown in capture.
Second source correction shortcut icon, does not have settings icon on library thumbnail
Performance loss in Color Grading vs PS23
Color Grading: in PS 24.1, CG on photos, the CG preview will be blank
Title: Pivot "Track Layer" button should be called "Follow Layer"
Launch of 24.1 may crash to desktop, subsequent launch attempt is ok
Tooltip for layers area: "Drag layers to reorder"
Binarization, to be "Threshold" instead
Needlessly prompted to save changes, when no correction has been made
Dazzle: on AMD PC, preview refreshes (driver reload) frequently
Second saved correction shortcut collides with another clip / thumbnail
Dazzle: PAL auto-detect fails, reported by Beta tester
Dazzle: Audio level drops when capture starts
Dazzle: audio clicks at start of each captured file.
MCC Lite crashes at launch
Source Corrections: Color Grading settings remain displayed, after switching to audio
Rotate in Source Corrections is lost when editor is reopened

[Для просмотра данной ссылки нужно ]

Последний раз редактировалось Доктор ВОВАН; 05.03.2021 в 12:24.
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