Всё заработало: дистрибутив с оффсайта, пикси от Доктора, СП2 для Ликвида тоже с оффсайта, Тайтл Деко ПРО отдельно (тоже от Доктора) - и всё! И звук и всё остальное РА-БО-ТА-ЕТ.
Теперь у меня дома на ноуте монтажка ВЕЩАТЕЛЬНОГО качества.
i7, 8G RAM, GTS 770, Hard Drive: Total 16Tb Win7 64Bit, Edius 7.31
Видео: Sony EX-1, Sony DSR-390
26.02.2009, 02:50
Вот нашёл на официальном Пиннакл форуме "неофициальную" инструкцию:
Manual for install of Liquid in Vista, not supported by AVID.
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Use a "higher" version of Vista, I use ultimate, although it has been reported that even more basic versions of Vista has worked well.
Use a brand new install of Vista with the neccessary updates done
Disable the internet connection, disable the firewall.
Go to user accounts, turn off Control of useraccount, UAC.
Restart the machine as you are asked to, make sure you are logged in as administrator.
Do the full install of Liquid 7,2 from your hard disc, follow the pinned link in the top of the forum about license keys and so, run the update patch for liquid 6 to 7.
All the install should work well, you are asked to restart the machine, do that, do not install TDK RT.
Go to the al 7,2 install folder once again, find TDK Pro, configure the install program of tdk pro in properties/compability to "run in compability for XP" run the program, it should work now.
Start up the programs with firewall still disabled and check that all works well.
Turn on the firewall and make a windows update, the drivers for the pro bob was released on WU for V 32 in december 2006, for Vista 64, there are No drivers so the Pro Bob cannot be used..
Have the user account control turned off all the time when running Liquid.
Use only Liquid together with SD projects when running it with Vista as OS, I have seen some funny rendering effects with HD.
XP is a much better OS for running AL 7,2 than Vista currently, when you want to make more advanced stuff as HD projects, buy a removable disc bay for XP and install AL 7,2 also on that bay, use the same drive letters and links,media - render files and so on that Liquid installation as in Vista and you can open up your Vista made projects when running XP as OS.
This workflow works well for both Vista 32 and Vista 64, if you get into trouble with that the optical drives will dissapear from the desktop, the link to the microsoft supportcenter is here.
"Жизнь - как рояль: клавиша белая, клавиша черная... крышка"
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